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Forfatterens bildeJoachim Larssen

Postponed!! A new year new Adventures, Lets go east!

Postponed due to the conflict Between Runssia and Ukraine

I hope for peace soon! See new Rute on new post.

Lots of Love from Joachim the ShibbyTraveler.

Hello everyone!

I am back in the Viken/Oslo area working and dreaming about new adventures!

I have been thinking about lots of different tings i want to do and in the end i made the desision to paddle 11 countries 9 of them from border to border and crossing 11 borders.

I will start out at Bomansvik in the Oslofjord and make my way down to the Swedish border where i will take on the Havspaddlarnas blå band (Sea paddlers blue ribbon) challange!

The challange goes from the the old Svinesund bridge along the Swedish coast to the border of Finland, 2200km trip along the coast.

Next challange will be the The blue white band challange along the whole Finnish coast.

At the end of the challange i hope to find the man that designes my kayak Ymir Björn Lehtinen at Bearwater Melontahiihto right outside of Helsinki.

this challange are around 1200km and ends by the Russian border.

An other year and a new Russian border but this time i do not plan to turn back again.

I have sendt an mail to the Russian embassy asking if i can cross the border and visit St Pertersburg for a day then continue to the Estonian border a 360km trip.

an other option will be to just make a crossing over the gulf of Finland a 60-100km crossing.

When i have made my way to the Estonia / Russian border i will make my way along the Baltic contries first up the Latvian coast to the border around 450km away.

From here i can cross over the gulf of Riga or go the long way down to Riga and the follow the coast to the Lithuanian border a distance of 350 to 470km.

Lithuania border is one of the short once just 90km long and will just take 1-2 days to kayak.

After the Baltic we hope to be alowed cross into Russia again a 135km trip to the Polish border, Russia is the only Non Shengen contry along my routhe but i dont beleve there will be a problem to enter and spend 2-3 days to the Polish border.

Polen border to border is a distence of 440km and can hopfully be done in less than 2 weeks and if i make it to the German border i will be really happy with this years adventure but i hope to keep going!

390km along the first part of the coast of Germany is the next challange before i enter Danish waters, In Danmark i hope to have the will to make my way to Copenhagen and all the way up North to Skagen before i start south against the German border a 1110km route. Here we have the The Red And White Ribbon challange.

Germany part 2 and almost at the goal, only 310km until i am in the Netherlands and hopefully still possible to make it the last 260 km to Amsterdam where i hope will be the 2022 finish line!

A total Distence of 7415km without any detoures, more than a 1000km longer than the 2021 trip! I am expecting a trip with calmer waters on this trip but no midnight sun and strong currents to help me on this trip.

It looks like most of my team from last year will joine me for the 2022 trip and hopfully some exstra sponsors will joine so if you know about a company that want to help out with equipment or economic plese let me know at

As always feel free to join me along my travels by kayak or at camp! i will keep posting photos/videos with updates on Instagram/FaceBook and hopefully on YouTube during or after the trip.

I am a little behind on everything i hoped to do after the last trip but there have been a big fokus on working up chash to pay back for what i owe from 2021 and to finansiering the next one. I hope to be able to make an post on with some info from the trip and videoes from the return for YouTube before the next trip but the maine fokus is to prepare for the start in April.

This is plan A and i have no problems ending the trip anywhere or go for plan B,C,D,E,F...... I am open for tips for places to see or good advice on places to set up camp just send me a message!

If you want to lisen to some of the podcasts i have guested you find the Norwegian here

And the American here

I have also had a talk about my trip at DNT sørenga, the 16th of march i will be speaking at Njørd in Bergen and at the 22th at a DNT Tønsberg kickoff at Karlsvik farm.

I will keep kayaking with Ymir from Norse and stay dry in my Odin drysuit from LevelSix!

Ymir was one of four of the ancestors of all jötnar and born when fire and ice met. He was killed by Odin and his brothers. From his body they made the earth where humans live.

Lots of Love

Joachim Larssen

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