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Forfatterens bildeJoachim Larssen

Lets try again, this time we try to go south!

Hello everyone!

I was planning to kayak around the Baltic Sea this summer but due to the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia I have made the decision to change my route for 2022 so I don't need to cross the Russian borders.

My new plan for 2022 will be to kayak my way to the Boom festival in Portugal and hopefully make it to Tarifa, the south cape of Europe! and if i make it i will have kayaked from the true North cape of Europe, Kinnarodden to Tarifa the most south you can get on the European continent, Tarifa! and from there i will probably keep going passed the pillars of Hercules to Fuengirola where i used to live and store Ymir for the winter.

I will start in the Oslofjord and kayak the 125km to the Swedish border and follow the coast to Gøteborg (155km) and cross over to Skagen (45km) or continue down to Malmø (420km) and cross over and visit Copenhagen and then back north to Skagen (380km) when we get to Skagen it is time to start heading south again until we get to the German border 420km from Skagen.

Next is the German coast, a distance around 260km to the Border of the Netherlands. Here I really want to kayak to Amsterdam and spend some days resting and kayak the canal tru the city and continue down the last 200km to the Belgium border.

Belgium is the shortest of the coasts on my route, a little less than 70km and can be done in one day if wanted but I hope to spend one night minimum.

France is next on my list, a 1630km long paddle along the coast, I might be able to shave off some km here. After France we enter Spain and follow the 850km to the Portuguese border and from here it's just 85km to Porto where i will get picked up by Daniel and his gang.

I have been thinking about this route for some time and when war started in Ukraine and my friend and employer Daniel asked if I would come to Boom and take part in his summer adventure and work for him while we enjoy the festival.

I took this as signs that this is the right route for 2022!

You are all probably wondering who Daniel is?

Daniel is an amazing friend that I started working for 2 years ago and full time since I came back from my last adventure so he is also financing parts of my trip in a way.

He is in a wheelchair and has someone with him 24 hours a day.

Some friends and assistants drive with him to Boom and some others by plane and it looks like we will be a total of 13 people in our camp.

Next a after movie from last Boom.

After Boom i hope to continue the last 714km to the Spanish border and then the 235km to the most Southern point of the European continent! just 16km crossing to Africa. Next we pass the pillars of Hercules and to Fuengerola 135km away.

This is a place I have lots of good memories from after living here for years working for Norwegian. feels like a lifetime ago and It will be nice to see old friends again!

Next i have a video from N where i have to pass this surfers paradice.

I hope to start early April to make it to Boom in time, Oslo-Boom is a distance of 4200km by kayak with no dentures and 1000km ekstra to make it to Tarifa.

I have this idea in my head that you can kayak everywhere on the right day and that everywhere has the potential to become dangerous under the right conditions. I plan to do this as safe as possible and if i dont make it to Porto in time to the festival i will park Ymir and find other ways of transportation. So i plan to kayak 6 days a week and have one resing day.

I aime to paddle a marathon a day and according to my calculations i will need 117 days and i need to be at Boom by the 20th July and that meens i need to start the 26th of march but i will probely start some days later.

It looks like most of my team from last year will joine me for the 2022 trip and hopfully some exstra sponsors will joine so if you know about a company that want to help out with equipment or economic plese let me know at

As always feel free to join me along my travels by kayak or at camp! i will keep posting photos/videos with updates on Instagram/FaceBook and hopefully on YouTube during or after the trip.

I am a little behind on everything i hoped to do after the last trip but there have been a big fokus on working up chash to pay back for what i owe from 2021 and to finansiering the next one. I hope to be able to make an post on with some info from the trip and videoes from the return for YouTube before the next trip but the maine fokus is to prepare for the start in April.

This is plan A and i have no problems ending the trip anywhere or go for plan B,C,D,E,F...... I am open for tips for places to see or good advice on places to set up camp just send me a message!

If you want to lisen to some of the podcasts i have guested you find the Norwegian here

And the American here

I have also had a talk about my trip at DNT sørenga, the 16th of march i will be speaking at Njørd in Bergen and at the 22th at a DNT Tønsberg kickoff at Karlsvik farm and the next day i will paddle over to Fjellheim at Kråkerøy and hold a talk at Fredrikstad og Sarpsborg kajakklubb.

I will keep kayaking with Ymir from Norse and stay dry in my Odin drysuit from LevelSix!

Aquabound are sending a new paddle i will test and i will also bring my Kajner paddle i got from

Ymir was one of four of the ancestors of all jötnar and born when fire and ice met. He was killed by Odin and his brothers. From his body they made the earth where humans live.

Peace and Love!

Joachim Larssen

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Vidar Fjelltun
Vidar Fjelltun
Mar 29, 2022

Hei, det blir spennende å følge deg, så en haug av videoene dine fra de to turene langs norskekysten. Men jeg har også et spørsmål om tips, og det gjelder telt til kajakktur. Jeg skjønte at teltet du opprinnelig hadde med i fjor måtte byttes til et litt kraftigere, har du et spesielt telt du kan anbefale som passer bra til en person på tur?

Joachim Larssen
Joachim Larssen
Mar 29, 2022
Replying to

Heia Vidar,

utrolig hyggelig å høre!

Jeg har gitt opp telt litt ;-) og har skiftet taktikk til Tarp, hengekøye og myggnetting. i 2019 brukte jeg to telt begge av under 3000kr typen og i 2021 brukte jeg tre telt alle under 3000kr to av dem fikk jeg tak på nye teltstenger en gang så var det tomt desverre. jeg har ingen favoritt som jeg kan anbefalle deg men jeg ville nok gått opp i 5-10.000 kr klassen om jeg hadde hatt råd til dette men det viktigste er nok og ha med et eksra sett med stenger og vite at de har flere på lager.... eller tart tarp ;-)


Mar 08, 2022

Good luck on you’re new amazing adventure 💙 Stay safe as allways❤️ hope to see you sometime In the future🤗

Joachim Larssen
Joachim Larssen
Mar 29, 2022
Replying to

Thank you! i hope to see you too ❤️

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